Marnia Lazreg gave a talk on “L’Orient de Foucault, de la Tunisie au Japon:  L’indéchiffrable Enigme Culturelle” at the  CRASC

Marnia Lazreg (Faculty)

On January 7, 2020, Prof. Lazreg gave a talk on “L’Orient de Foucault, de la Tunisie au Japon:  L’indéchiffrable Enigme Culturelle” at the  CRASC (Centre de Recheche en Anthropologie Sociale et Culturelle,” in the city of Oran.

On January 11, 2020, she was also interviewed on channel 4 of the Algerian National Radio as a guest on “Papier Bavard”, a book discussion program, about the book, “Le Réveil de la Mère,” by Meriem Belkethoum, published by Aframed in July 2019.