Fellowship Opportunities Fall 2024 (External)

Postdoctoral fellowship opportunity at Harvard Population Center

Qualifications: Ph.D. students 

Deadline: Tuesday, December 3, 2024 at noon/12:00 PM EST (U.S.)

More Information: The two-year Bell Fellowship is an interdisciplinary, postdoctoral training program designed for researchers and practitioners in the fields of population sciences and/or population health. Through self-directed research, selected candidates examine a broad range of critical issues, primarily from within the HCPDS’s focal areas: 1) aging societies; 2) youth, families, and social mobility; 3) work, policy, & well-being; and 4) population dynamics of climate change. In addition to research and writing, fellows participate in weekly seminars, professional development, and other skill-building activities, plus communications & media skills training. 

Fellowship Amount:The salary is $75K/yr plus benefits and a generous research, travel, and computer fund. Open to eligible U.S. and international candidates.  For detailed information and to apply, visit www.hsph.harvard.edu/cpds or contact [email protected]

Dolores Zohrab Liebmann Fund

Qualifications:  Graduate students who are United States citizens

Deadline: Monday, January 6, 2025, 5pm

More Information: Application guidelines here. Please contact Rachel Sponzo at [email protected] if you have questions. 

Grant Amount: Fellowships cover the cost of tuition and provide an annual $18,000 stipend for living expenses.