This workshop of faculty and graduate students meets about once a month to discuss a wide range of issues related to the study of criminology, law, deviance and policy. We read one or two papers per month in these areas, sometimes from students and sometimes from faculty, and we also usually host one guest speaker per month. We’ll ask questions and make comments but leave out Foucault’s “malice” part. We’ll have a free-flowing discussion of ideas and hypotheses that people are thinking about and would like to research or would like to hear more about from each other. Maybe we can do a white-board list of them. Then we’ll find people who are working on these and invite them for the next seminar. And so on, mostly we’ll sit around
Our faculty members include Jayne Mooney, Leslie Paik, David Brotherton, Lynn Chancer, Candace McCoy, Calvin John Smiley, and others at the GC and across CUNY, and we draw about 20-30 PhD and masters level students from across the program and the City.
When: 3rd Wednesday of every month, 6:30 – 8:00 pm
Where: Sociology Lounge, rearranged
Why: Because we enjoy hearing what our colleagues (students and faculty) are working on and might develop some ideas for our own work – and because we want to enjoy coffee (decaf at 6:30!), wine, beer, and snacks
Lynn Chancer –
Angela LaScala-Gruenewald –