Category: Awards & Honors

Awards and Honors in July 2020

 Rob Smith (Faculty) 

Prof. Smith received the 2020 Award for Public Sociology in International Migration from the ASA International Migration Section.

His research was also instrumental in winning two major victories.  The Wells Fargo lawsuit used his current DACA research and was settled in favor of the plaintiffs for 20 million!  In addition, the Supreme Court’s decision to uphold DACA is the other lawsuit he was working on last year. Over 650,000 kids get to stay!

Read Prof. Smith’s recent interview with the GC:

Anna Zhelnina 

Anna’s paper titled “The Apathy Syndrome: How we are trained not to care about politics” won the 2020 Mayer N. Zald Distinguished Contribution to Scholarship Student Paper Award of the ASA Collective Behaviors & Social Movements Section.

Jane McAlevey (‘2015)

Jane was profiled in The New Yorker with a heady title: “Jane McAlevey’s Vision of the Future of American Labor.” It touts her newest book and refers to her as coach and chronicler of the labor union movement.

Click to learn more about Jane’s work.

Recipients of Dissertation Fellowships

Dissertation Fellowships 2020-2021

Qasim Haq
Carell Dissertation Fellowship ($25,000)

Spiros Maximos Papadantonakis
Dissertation Year Fellowship ($25,000)

Carlos Camacho
Center for Place, Culture and Politics Dissertation Award ($10,000).
Awarded a grant from the Africana Studies Certificate Program ($800)

Yen-Chiao Liao
Received the Phipps-Clark Dissertation Fellowship ($5,000)

Pre-Dissertation Awards ($4000)

Joanna Dressel

Amelia Fortunato

Beiyi Hu

Xuemeng Li

Nga Than
Also received the Provost’s Digital Innovation Grant ($2,000)

Joseph Van Der Naald
Also received Wayne State University Walter P. Reuther Library’s Sam Fishman Travel Grant

Andrew Anastasi
Received the Graduate Center Archival Research Grant in American Studies ($4000)

Courtney Frantz
Received the Graduate Center Early Research Initiative/PublicsLab Summer Research Fellowship ($4,000)

Marianne Madore
Received the Connect New York Fellowship ($4000)

Richard Alba Elected to National Academy of Sciences in Recognition of Work on Race, Ethnicity, and Immigration

Distinguished Professor Richard Alba (Credit: Princeton University Press)


Distinguished Professor Richard Alba (Sociology) was elected to the National Academy of Sciences, one of the highest honors in academia, in recognition of his vast body of work on race, ethnicity, immigration, and the sweeping demographic changes in the United States.

“I cannot imagine anything more gratifying than to be recognized in this way for the research that one has devoted a lifetime to,” Alba said.

Alba is part of the Center for Urban Research at The Graduate Center, and previously served as its acting director. He has served as president of the Eastern Sociological Society and as vice president of the American Sociological Association.

A prolific scholar and author, Alba has also written articles for the general public. In his 2015 op-ed for The New York Times, “The Myth of a White Minority,” he emphasized the need “to measure and redress inequalities.” He is frequently cited in the press as an expert on demographic categories, such as those used by the Census Bureau.

His forthcoming book, The Great Demographic Illusion: Majority, Minority, and the Expanding American Mainstream, explores why the number of young Americans with ethno-racially mixed backgrounds is rising and the pivotal role they will play in the country’s future.

Alba’s recent books include The Next Generation: Immigrant Youth in a Comparative Perspective (co-edited with Mary Waters) and Blurring the Color Line: The New Chance for a More Integrated America.


Source: Richard Alba Elected to National Academy of Sciences in Recognition of Work on Race, Ethnicity, and Immigration