Category: Funding Opportunities – Internal

Doctoral Student Teaching Award (deadline: 5/2/22)

In Fall 2022, the Provost’s Office will present a $1,000 Excellence in Teaching Award to a Graduate Center doctoral candidate in each of the three clusters, and a $1,000 Excellence in Mentoring Award to a Graduate Center faculty member in each of the three clusters.

A doctoral program may nominate one student for the teaching award. To be considered, each student must submit:

  • a one to two-page statement reflecting on teaching at CUNY;
  • a CV;
  • a syllabus for a recent course;
  • a sample assignment, with a short description of its role in the course;
  • a copy of observation report;
  • names and contact info for three current or former students.

All currently matriculated GC doctoral students are eligible for this award.

Deadline: May 2, 2022

Crossing Latinidades Fellowships (deadline: 4/1/22)

As part of a new Mellon Foundation-supported consortium, Crossing Latinidades: Emerging Scholars and New Comparative Directions, the Graduate Center invites pre-candidacy doctoral students who plan to work on Latino studies dissertations to apply to participate in a summer institute at the University of Illinois Chicago. The selected students will also be considered for $30,000 research fellowships.

We are also helping faculty at the Graduate Center and across CUNY apply for the program’s Collaborative, Cross Institutional Research Working Groups in Latino Humanities Studies, which come with a $310,000 award. Graduate Center faculty are invited to apply for this opportunity. Learn more about Crossing Latinidades and how to apply for the funding opportunities here.

Victoria Stone-Cadena, Ph.D., associate director of CLACLS and a member of the Crossing Latinidades Initiative advisory committee, is available to answer questions and can be reached at [email protected].

Deadline: Monday, January 31, 2022.

Provost’s Pre-Dissertation Research Fellowship (deadline: 2/7/22)

The Provost’s Office is pleased to announce the following pre-dissertation fellowship competition for doctoral students in the humanities and social sciences.  These summer awards provide $4,000.


  • Students must be level II, exceptions will be made for students in programs where a formal dissertation prospectus/proposal is not submitted for approval until after advancing to level III. Such level III students will only be eligible if they have not officially submitted a prospectus/proposal to their program.
  • Please note that current CUNY guidelines restrict the distribution of funds for travel outside of the state unless the recipient has received prior approval for their travel plans. While guidelines may change, any award winner who proposes either domestic or international travel will need to attain permission for their trip prior to being able to access these grant funds. For more information see: International Travel Requirements for Current Students (
  • Students who have received GC Dissertation Fellowships are not eligible.

Instructions for submitting your application:

1) Combine your cover sheet, research proposal, curriculum vitae, and transcript into a SINGLE file (either as a pdf document or a word document).

Use the following format when naming your document: Last Name, First Name, Program

2) Email the file as an email attachment to [email protected]

3) Complete the online part of the application through the following form: Provost’s Pre-Dissertation Research Award


If you have questions, please contact Rachel Sponzo at [email protected].


Deadline: February 7, 2022, 3:00 pm